What is Psychoanalysis?
Psychoanalysis is a study that is based on the belief that psychological problems stem from unconscious beliefs, which go unrecognized by the conscious mind. This could include repressed memories (memories that are so traumatic that the brain suppresses it) and unexplained habits. Psychoanalysis finds the meaning and reason behind those behaviours and creates the possibility of change. In other words, psychoanalysis explains your psychological behaviours (why you do what you do)!
What is AI? And how is it involved in Health Practices?
Artificial intelligence is a technology designed to be able to replicate activities, which would otherwise be done by a human. AI has been used in the field of medicine and health since the 1970s (specifically in clinical decision making and biomedical research). AI capabilities have gained a massive footing in the past decade and are now capable of knowledge acquisition, and language processing.
What does Artificial Intelligence have to do with Psychoanalysis?
When you hear psychoanalysis, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
Maybe it might be “Sigmund Freud”, or that “psychoanalysis is an old dying science”.
Well, I’m here to tell you that Artificial intelligence might be able to change how psychology is perceived!
Why AI?
AI is able to create a theoretical framework which can legitimize psychoanalytical science. What does that mean? It means that in an age where data is king, you must be able to create a system that can generate quantifiable analytics. Gone are the days where psychoanalysis is built upon qualitative data (Qualitative data is data that is gathered https://247labs.com/business/django-ai-work/through experiences, rather than objective facts). According to a research study done in 2008 by Saul Mcleod
- “Quantitative data can be interpreted with statistical analysis, and since statistics are based on the principles of mathematics, the quantitative approach is viewed as scientifically objective, and rational-numerical data is less open to ambiguities of interpretation. Hypotheses can also be tested because of the use of statistical analysis”
This means that AI can help the field by making it more objective!
The Stigma of Psychological Disorders
The cultural stigma of psychoanalysis is too real. That is to say that the science doesn’t only face scientific barriers, but as well it battles with social factors. There is still a cultural belief that psychological disorders are “not serious”, or should just be “brushed off”. Although it is getting better with social movements like #BellLetsTalk, the stigma of seeing a psychologist is still present. The world health organization states that 25% of the world suffers from mental health disorders, and predicts it will increase 15% by 2020. According to Patrick Corrigan’s study on the stigma of mental illness
- “Many people with serious mental illness are challenged doubly. On one hand, they struggle with the symptoms and disabilities that result from the disease. On the other, they are challenged by the stereotypes and prejudice that result from misconceptions about mental illness.”
How does AI solve this problem?
Well AI technology privatizes the interaction between it and the patient. It does not require the patient to physically meet with a doctor at first; rather it allows a bridging between the doctor and the patient. If a patient uses an app to psychoanalyze themselves, then they can be sure to know if they have a psychological disorder or not. If they do, then they can proceed and find help, and if they don’t? Then no one has to know. It eases the individual into searching for help and removes the barriers of social stigma. I mean we’re constantly on our phones anyways right?
- If you need to check the time? You use your phone
- If you need to check the weather? You use your phone
- If you need to pay a bill? Then you use your phone
- If you need to check your psychological health? Then why not use your phone?
The Good News!
I know what you’re thinking “it’s a great idea! But this is all just talk”
Well, I’m here to tell you that 247 Labs is working hard on a project that can psychoanalyze you from the comfort of your home!
The technology uses artificial intelligence to analyze writing and gives you a breakdown of traits such as agreeableness, aggression, etc. This tool is massive in the sense that it can replicate psychoanalysis in a compact device, which can be taken anywhere with you!
Application of Artificial Intelligence Psychoanalysis for Businesses
This is also good news for businesses as well, which can use the tool to be able to better analyze their customer base. For instance are your customers agreeable? Are they disagreeable? What products evoked the emotions you wanted? These questions become less ambiguous when you are able to quantify and map them out through statistics and graphs.
How does Personality Insights AI work?
Step 1.
When you first open the AI program, the first thing you will see is an empty chat box.
This empty chat box is where the writing will go. For instance, you can write your thoughts and see what Personality Insights AI says about your character traits. Another example is an eCommerce business could copy comments from customer reviews and psychoanalyze it.
Step 2.
The second step is to fill up the chat box with words (either personal or comments of others). The one rule you must remember is that the box must be filled with at least 100 words; otherwise, the AI bot will not have enough data to psychoanalyze the literature.
After all that criteria has been filled click the “Get My Insights” button!
For this example, I’ve copied a piece of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s personal journal entry. Let’s analyze my man Emerson!
Step 3.
Once you have clicked the “Get My Insights” button, you will be taken to this page.
The first section breaks up the person’s personality traits into 5 categories with their own subcategories. The 5 categories are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Emotional range. For instance, the trait of Openness is broken up into subcategories of Adventurousness, Artistic interests, Emotionality, Imagination, and etc. The AI gives a certain percentage to each subcategory, which relates to the person’s character traits.
The second section of the analysis chart breaks up the person Needs
The needs are broken up into the categories seen above. This refers to what the person is looking for, based on the analysis of the AI bot. Going back to the e-commerce example, this can be used to predict what a customer is looking for in their life.
The third and final part of the analysis looks at a person’s Values
This section refers to a person’s deeply entrenched values of what course they want to take their lives in. For instance how open is this person to change? Do they value self-indulged satisfaction? Or are they conservative in their beliefs?
All these subsections are given percentages, which can be used to build a portfolio, and map out a person’s psychological behaviours.
The project is very exciting for us, and we would like to hear your feedback!
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